Long Life III 5W-30 is produced on base of the highest quality components, which are currently available. The product is completely compatible with the newest diesel particulate filters (DPF) and with catatytic converters of gasoline engines. It combines outstanding performance with excellent motor protection and improves the reduction of fuel consumption. This oil is recommended for all modern motor cars, especially for high power Otto- and diesel engines in the newest models of passenger cars, sports cars and light commercial vehicles.
Long Life III 5W-30
Long Life III 5W-30 is a modern low friction oil with an advanced performance, providing excellent wear protection and above-average cleaning power. It contributes to the service life extension of exhaust-after treatment systems and redounds to their trouble-free operation.
Specification / Volume
- VW 504 00 / 507 00
- BMW Longlife-04
- MB 229.51
Available in
- By nano – technology increase of operational life of engine and transmission.
- By nano – technology supreme low friction (reduction about 40%).
- A reduction in engine vibration and noise by the used nano technology.
- Contribution in the reduction of particle built-up on the diesel particulate filter by its low ash content.
- Nano – technology through an exhaust gas reduction and therefore a reduction in CO2 emissions.
- By nano – technology to increase the oil pressure and the compression pressure independent of temperature and speed.
- Trouble-free cold-starting behaviour by very good low temperature properties.
- Reduction of deposits and sludge by effective cleaning additives and nano – technology and reasoned thereby greater protection of oil and lubrication system.